Saturday, February 25, 2012

You know how I love my moss!

I am itching to get rid of anything winter. Since we haven't had much of one I am just following suite with Mother Nature and jumping to spring.
Here is a cheap little craft to springify your home.
trace and cut out letters of choice from cardboard. I used the Bell font (regular) found here.
Hobby Lobby carries this sheet moss in the floral section for like $6.99 (I of course used a 40% coupon) seet is pretty big, it is folded into 4
After my letters were cut out I just glued them onto the moss. I trimmed around the corners and hot glued the edges down.
                                                              I LOVE THEM! I only used about 1/4 of the moss. So with the coupon I only spent about $1.50 to do this.