Monday, January 23, 2012

paper hearts a flutter

I feel like there is an awkward transition between Christmas and Valentines. There's a good 2-3 weeks where I don't feel like there is a season to decorate for. I was so excited when I felt it was ok to start putting a little more love in my home. I don't have very much heartsy decor so I made this
This is easy! It did take me a few days to complete because all I had was 10 minutes here, 10 minutes there. It was also easy because I would just do a flower or two at a time, that helped with the jumping back and forth.
I got sick of the regular paper flowers I knew how to make, so I would just google images of paper flowers and find one that looked interesting and do it. I would probably make about 2 of each flower I found. Then just hot glued them onto a heart shape I cut out.

The paper I used for this was a stack of double sided 12x12 cardstock I bought from Joanns by Anna Griffin the Carmen Collection. I loved this because in this stack of 24 sheets you get gold foil paper and glitter paper!

Even the wreath had a slight transformation for the holiday. If you couldn't tell.... I just love this yarn so much. It just has such great texture!

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