Tuesday, December 6, 2011

coming soon....

A full tutorial on these wood frames.... WOOOHOOOO!!
I also have a promise. I promise to post something new at least once a week. I am a full time mom and sometimes it is hard to take the time to do so, but this is my goal.... and I am going to have some fun doing so!


  1. Hi-I just saw you on The Daily Dish and these frames are adorable. I have been looking through your blog and you have some great ideas. Thanks for sharing. I am impressed - you are so talented. I love the old round cabinet that you refinished using the vasaline. I have one just like that and so I'm really excited to try that with mine. Thanks for sharing your talent and ideas. I'll be watching for more on here.

  2. Carol, you just made my day! Thank you so much! I can't wait to see your finished piece, you should email me photo's when you are done, bekahbrink@gmail.com
