Monday, September 12, 2011

old cabinet door repurpose

I needed something to put all of those adorable hair flowers I now have for my little miss, therefore this was created. Easy, simple and a fast craft.

Pregnancy Journal

I decided I didn't do very much documenting of my first pregnancy and so when I got that wonderful + sign for #2 I knew I wanted to have a keepsake like this. And so I journaled. Generally every week, sometimes I wasn't so fantastic about it until my 2nd and 3rd trimester. I would write little notes to my sweet baby among other things. And because I felt like such a dork asking my husband to take pictures for me and my blooming belly, I decided to use my self timer... Thank goodness for technology. Because I would do this without the hubs, my little man would often debut in the photo's, along with my dog.  I love how they turned out and have fun going back to my entries.

moss, my second love

I love the look of moss. I think it is absolutely beautiful and adds such a nice flair to anything. To me moss is not just a stapple in spring decor but in every day. When I was on the hunt for a baby mobile I saw these birds on a local program and fell in love. (see here for the pattern) I created the crown of the mobile out of branches from a tree at my parents house and added some moss to soften it up a little bit.

daisies and moss

This dangle above my rocker in baby girls nursery. Since my nursery is in more of a botanical theme (if that makes any sense) I knew I wanted something like this. I searched but all I could find were dinky little ones, which were cool but I wanted BIG! So I took myself to Hobby Lobby and found a bag of moss (~$4) a styrofoam ball (~$6 with coupon) and got to work. I poked a hole all the way through top to bottom and put the ribbon in and plugged in my glue gun. After way too many burns to count and a mess of moss, (this is definitely and outdoor project) I came up with these
If you have seen the daisy balls before you know just how beautiful they are in 3d, I'm not talking about the cheap flimsy ones, I mean the full lush thick ones. You may also know just how expensive they are... YIKES! In my opinion the flower selection at Hobby Lobby exceeds Roberts and Joanns but that's just me. As an added bonus Hobby Lobby had all there flowers at 50% off (which happens like every 3rd week or so) These particular daisies were $1, I needed about 35 for a larger ball plus another large styrofoam ball. I trimmed the stems so they were only like 2" long and poked them into the styrofoam. I didn't need to glue them in or anything, just poking the stems in worked just fine. Added with some cute ribbon and there you go

vaseline, who knew?

I first laid eyes on these beauties at our local DI. The one with out glass was priced at $10 the one with glass was priced at $30. I swooned and daydreamed of the possibilities then went and had myself a little chat with the manager, he offered the set for a grand total of $20! Of course I had to have them. They were perfect for my baby girls nursery.
Being 8 months pregnant in the heat of summer with a toddler trying to acrobat off the table, it was quite the task to complete. This was my first try with painting furniture. I studied a few fellow blogs to find the right technique and combined my favorites from here and here

First step: scrub furniture clean
Second step: remove door and hardware
Third step: apply vaseline in random places (I wanted a really shabby chic look and like to old, warn look and this was what helped me get there)
Fourth step: spray paint, spray paint and more spray paint (I used Krylon cream in satin, I didn't use a primer because I didn't know how that would work with the vaseline, therefore I used a lot of cans of spray paint maybe 4
Fifth step: apply ralph lauren faux glaze in a dark grey color, this took a lot of wiping, applying and wiping.
Sixth step: after all was dry I put this sucker back together and TADA....
Here it is!

Whimsical pinwheel

Welcome to Mossy Oak. I mostly wanted to have a space to share my persnickety personality. I love to craft, it helps keep my sanity. I find a great deal of inspiration from fellow bloggers, the tube and of course boutiques. When I see something I love I find a way to make it better fit "me" that is where all the fun is right? So lets start off with something simple
A pinwheel parade....
Nothing screams light and fun more to me than a pinwheel. They are just such a fabulous touch of whimsy that make me smile.
I found a basic double pinwheel pattern off of google and added some curves to give it more of a bird wing effect. I took 1 sheet of double sided 12x12 paper, and cut into 6" squares (so you should now have 4 squares, math was not always my forte) traced and cut out the pinwheel pattern on all four squares. Next, you take 2 of the 'ready to go' pinwheels and align them together and start to pull the wings to the center. you may need to play with shifting the paper around to get it to work. Man I wish I took some photos of the how to.