Monday, September 12, 2011

vaseline, who knew?

I first laid eyes on these beauties at our local DI. The one with out glass was priced at $10 the one with glass was priced at $30. I swooned and daydreamed of the possibilities then went and had myself a little chat with the manager, he offered the set for a grand total of $20! Of course I had to have them. They were perfect for my baby girls nursery.
Being 8 months pregnant in the heat of summer with a toddler trying to acrobat off the table, it was quite the task to complete. This was my first try with painting furniture. I studied a few fellow blogs to find the right technique and combined my favorites from here and here

First step: scrub furniture clean
Second step: remove door and hardware
Third step: apply vaseline in random places (I wanted a really shabby chic look and like to old, warn look and this was what helped me get there)
Fourth step: spray paint, spray paint and more spray paint (I used Krylon cream in satin, I didn't use a primer because I didn't know how that would work with the vaseline, therefore I used a lot of cans of spray paint maybe 4
Fifth step: apply ralph lauren faux glaze in a dark grey color, this took a lot of wiping, applying and wiping.
Sixth step: after all was dry I put this sucker back together and TADA....
Here it is!

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