Monday, September 12, 2011

Whimsical pinwheel

Welcome to Mossy Oak. I mostly wanted to have a space to share my persnickety personality. I love to craft, it helps keep my sanity. I find a great deal of inspiration from fellow bloggers, the tube and of course boutiques. When I see something I love I find a way to make it better fit "me" that is where all the fun is right? So lets start off with something simple
A pinwheel parade....
Nothing screams light and fun more to me than a pinwheel. They are just such a fabulous touch of whimsy that make me smile.
I found a basic double pinwheel pattern off of google and added some curves to give it more of a bird wing effect. I took 1 sheet of double sided 12x12 paper, and cut into 6" squares (so you should now have 4 squares, math was not always my forte) traced and cut out the pinwheel pattern on all four squares. Next, you take 2 of the 'ready to go' pinwheels and align them together and start to pull the wings to the center. you may need to play with shifting the paper around to get it to work. Man I wish I took some photos of the how to. 

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