Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Magnetic family tree

A couple of years ago a local craft/paper (Heartland paper) company had a beautiful magnetic family tree.  It was beautiful and perfect for my home, it was also perfect for a woman's group activity (hurray for Relief Society!)
This is my board and my lovely family. This one is 16"x20". The paper is just mod podged on to the magnet board. I used e6000 to adhere the bottle caps to the magnets and a 1" hole punch to cut out each photo. Each bottle cap should have some leaves on them, but I got a little lazy.
There are many places around me you can find a magnet board, but because I was getting them in bulk I chose Etsy. She also sold me the bottle caps. I got to thinking that it would be an awesome birthday gift/undertaking to make this for my grandmother. I come from a large family, a VERY LARGE FAMILY. To fit the full 160+ bottle caps I needed a large board, I did a 40"x50".
Some perspective of just how big this board was.
 I measured the paper and designed and drew out the tree, sorry I have no pattern for that but I did use a poster board  to make a pattern from first and then drew it out on paper.
I had to section them off into families because there are just SO many family members!
The finished product, hanging on Nonna's wall.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this family tree you have is great, Mossy Oak! It reminds me of the recent project my wife and our daughter did last week. It has the same theme as yours. They didn't use any magnet boards, but beautifully decorated magnetic papers which kept them from using adhesives that can be a little messy sometimes.

    Jake Grant
