Wednesday, December 7, 2011

shaped wood frames tutorial

What an exciting day it has been. It was so fun to be featured on
The Daily Dish (click link to go to video tutorial)
and share this tutorial with you all!
I'm sure I am not the only one that has found a way to make these mdf frames but I would like to share with you how I make them.
  • MDF board (I purchased mine from Home Depot, the 1/2"thick for~$10 and the 3/4" thick for~$11.50)
  • pattern for frame
  • skill/jigsaw (you can find the saw for around $30 in a quick search I found THIS)
  • drill
  • sandpaper
  • if painting: primer (Krylon), spray paint or acrylic paint
  • if mod podging: mod podge (of course), paper
  • painters tape: if painting stripes
This is just half of the large mdf board from Home Depot, if you are making 12"x12" frames you can 8 frames out of 1 large board. depending on the thickness you choose and the paint the cost is about $1.50-$1.75 per frame! You can't beat that! The large stripped frame in a previous post and featured on the video is one full board that I free handed the pattern for

Next trace your pattern for frame (you can free-hand it or use paper with decorative edges, I like My Minds Eye paper for this) Try not to get too complicated with your pattern, the more curves and edges, the more difficult it is going to be to cut out.

I cut out a 6x6 paper to trace the opening part in the middle
Use the skill/jigsaw to cut out the center. You might want to make a few practice cuts if you aren't very comfortable with the saw, just please be careful! It really isn't too bad, it just takes some getting used to.
 Once the outside is cut, use a drill to cut out the center, ignore the spot I have in the center of the frame, drill the hole in one of the corners and then use the skill saw from there.

 *optional next step: if you have access to a router, now would be the time to pull that bad boy out. A router will give the frame a bumpy edge (see photo bellow) and a fun texture.

Then sand, sand, and sand! Sand paper is perfectly find for this but....
 if you happen to come across a metal file in your tool bag, celebrate just a little bit because this bad boy really helps in the creases.
 Once you are all done sanding you are really to funk-ify your frame however you like
  • spray paint: if you will be spray painting use a primer first, absorbs paint like no other so primer will help you not have to do so many layers.
  • paint stripes: first prime the board, then apply the first paint color (the lightest one), measure out your stripes and tape off, paint your next color.
  • acrylic paint
  • use glaze to antique
  • mod podge paper or fabric: paint or stain the edges of the frame, then apply thin layer of mod podge to frame and add paper, smooth out with popsicle stick or credit card. If the paper over laps, just use sand paper to clean up the edges.
This is just black acrylic paint, you can see how the frames absorbs the paint. 
 This is spray painted and then the edges were sanded. to add the picture you can adhere your photo to cardboard or something stiff and then use a good tape to bond it to the frame.
You can display these babies on easels or use a picture hangers for the back.

1 comment:

  1. saw you on the daily dish. this is a great idea. im so going to have to do this. thanks
